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The image of the book cover displays the sky with clouds and birds flying, a sliver of land with a tree, and a body of water reflecting the sky, clouds, birds, land and tree. A smaller image of the book is incorporated in the center so you have a book inside a book effect with mirror image symmetry.

Introducing a new holistic idea that provides a clear new pair of corrective lens, for the mind. This new paradigm depolarizes our perceptions on reality by reconciling an ancient paradox deeply embedded in consciousness itself. 


This book discloses and unravels one of the greatest enigmas we face as human beings. A paradox grandiosely displayed in the dual-nature and symmetry we see throughout reality. Even the laws of science are based in and depend on symmetry. With this new lens, you will see our world in a whole new way. And here's how, you will integrate some of the most profound concepts from science, and from philosophers before the time of Socrates, to conceptualize and apprehend something quite remarkable: you will perceive the source  where space and time comes from and how existing things emerge and form into being. This is very esoteric stuff but it will prove to be both fascinating and deeply relevant.


The ultimate benefit of this new paradigm is that it promotes peace of mind through understanding via logical science-based reasoning that unveils a truth so obvious and universal, like fish in water, we are essentially oblivious to it; and, it resolves the greatest paradoxes we face as spiritual beings in a material world.


This book promotes well-being for the soul, in understanding and it evolves our minds. Read, Our Curious World of Mirror Images, today. It is here where Science and Spirituality are wed into one deeply resonant, meaningful, and boldly relevant way.


  • Reveals the origin of the invisible field we call Space(Time)

  • Explains how existing things emerge and form into being

  • Sheds whole new light on the meaning of GOD

  • Reconciles the divides between Eastern and Western traditions, religion, science, and philosophy

  • Bridges Dualism/Separation/Polarization

  • Self Actualization Meditations (see book below)


Want To Change  the World?  We Must

Change the Way We See

the World!


What if GOD (invisible and everywhere at once) is already apparent, but in this guise. Want to see?


An  Eye-Opener 

to  the  Meaning  of  GOD!​​




“It is rare that an author can describe a perception of the universe that is simple to observe,

yet quite profound. The symphony of his words is a harmony that I can receive, respect and resonate with… Each time I read this book, I find new insights, adventures and wonder.” —Dimensions of Quantum Healing/ Blog Talk Radio


This book is amazing. For a first I've seen an author so well researched in Philosophy, Science and Metaphysics… I am glad I came across this book…Overall it's a brilliant read.
Goodreads Review / Nelson Dainty

Challenging, thought-provoking and quite stimulating. It is clear that the author did his research and even if I found some of the ideas to be esoteric…I was fascinated by the book.  
Goodreads Review/Salami Tolulope


Since the first time I saw this book, it quickly captured my attention to explore it. It is not an ordinary philosophy book. It offers a new perspective on how we look at our world and lives...

To read this book, please open your mind broadly and set aside all differences first,

regardless of your background, because, it will bring you on a wonderful journey

to understanding the universe better.

MochaLatte's Book Hut's review


“I was hooked on the ingenuity of the ideas presented in the book. Well written, well-structured, logical and very accessible to all.”                     —Cheri Mason Lewis






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